Fox Marble, FOX Just bought first stake in Fox Marble. On the road to ongoing production and sales of Marble from Kosovo. Small Cap and been making good progress over the last year, not the usual oil and gas but something a little different and hopefully great potential for 2014. Bought at 20p. See my research on Fox here

Bowleven, BLVN Bought initially as a trade and small amount but building a larger holding on the dips as the current price is a steal IMO. I'm not too bothered if it jumps around the 30/40/50's and will trade it when I can whilst all the time looking to increase this and XEL for hopefully substantial increases into 2015. Looking to quadruple my investment over the long term with both XEL and BLVN. See my initial research on Bowleven here. Update Jan 2014, just bought double my holding at 36p as the fall has been overdone IMO. Update May 2014 bought a load more at 31.5p Traded some but back in.
Xcite Energy, XEL My biggest holding. Built a position during 2011 and 2012 following the price falls. Traded it around the 80p-90p mark a few times and currently have an overall average of around 75p. Sold on the spike to £1.80 but bought back in too early at £1.40. Have traded it a few times since to reduce the average further as well as bank some profit along the way. It's a waiting game and I for one am prepared to wait for as long as it takes...read what I initially had to say about XEL here and more recently about waiting here
Max Petroleum, MXP Originally bought in at 17p - was pleased to have bought at the same price as the ii's when the SP was around 18-20p! Watched it fall all the way to 12p. Bought more at 12p and 10p, before the drill bit got stuck on the deeps. OMG what a disaster and what a reckless BoD. Held on for a few nail biting months until the finances got sorted and have traded in and out from 4p to 5p. Was holding till CPR out end of last year to reassess situation. Update January - completely sold out as the end of year update was appalling, in my opinion. Read my comments on putting this dog out of it's misery here
TRAP: Bought in at 17p and again at 11.8p. Disappointed with the 2013 drill results but that's the game of oil E&P. Happy to hold as cash is building. Hoping for a good drill result in 2015/16 and if so should be a considerable re-rate as it should now be underpinned by Athena production cash and Igas shares, and is fully funded for commitments.
Beacon Hill Resources BHR: Watched it rise and fall over 2010-2011. Finally bought in 2013 so a good starting average but recent falls have blown a hole in this frustratingly. Was hoping for great things before the end of the year. Bought some more at 1.27p and I hope (and think hence holding) that the market has overreacted. Read what I wrote about BHR here
January update, have added more at .96p. Now average 1.4p. My high risk high potential punt for 2014.
Parkmead, PMG: Now a holder having bought Lochard at 6.9p, 4.1p and 3.8p. Taken over by Parkmead and am in profit with my holding. I am holding and waiting as I see plenty of potential here with Perth in 2014 being a significant opportunity, with a very high geological chance of success (and huge). And of course because of Tom Cross. See research here.
BGlobal Metering, BGBL: Bought Bglobal to diversify my portfolio and to take advantage of the governments plans to roll out smart meters. Unfortunately they put the dates back and the company have started to diversify into software and other activity. Just ousted the chairman and CEO and lots of board disharmony. Undertaking a strategic review. Hopefully will see some return from this now the focus is being sharpened. One of my early shares so not big money and did average down once. Will be lucky to breakeven though. But small money.
Falkland Oil and Gas, FOGL. Bought Fogl early. Tucked away for the next drilling campaign. Just forgotten about this for now really.
Top Level Domain Holdings, TLDH. Bought at 8.5p, have had to endure the fall and wait to 4p, and now sitting on a good profit as the top level domain world starts to heat up big time. Considering options as market cap is now over £100m! January update, sold out at 15p and will consider re-entering as still see this as a good prospect
Lloyds, LLOY. Held since the financial crash. Early purchase assuming it could only go one way. Pretty un-informed at the time but fortunately paid off.
UPDATED 18th May 2014
Great site, really useful and excellent for people just beginning to trade and invest. Keep up the good work!